Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Subway Redux...

I live pretty much at the intersection of PA 24 and PA 74 - Main and Broadway, Red Lion.  When I started coming up here regularly a year ago May, there was a Subway shop directly across the street.  The Doc and I would go over there pretty often, sometimes for the whole meal, sometimes just for tea and and cookies.  Sadly, the owner had just gotten tired of the drill, and decided to close.  This was just after Labor Day, 2011.  I've been looking at an empty store since then.  For most of that time, there was a sign in the window that said "Closed of Remodeling - Opening Soon".  It wasn't until about three months ago that I noticed some signs of activity - a couple of times I saw guys with clipboards wandering about the place.  Then about 2 months ago, there was a new sign in the window - Help Wanted!!

For about the last 5 - 6 weeks, there has been actual construction going on - the place had been stripped out to the bare walls, and the sign on the roof removed very quickly after it had closed.  Now, slowly, the place was coming back.  New wall paper, new seating, and a new sandwich line.

I spoke with the new owner, James, last Sunday.  In answer to my "When are you opening?" question,  he told me that he'd planned on opening last week, but he had some (what I've come to call) "supplier issues".  He invited me to an open house, scheduled for this evening.  I felt that I needed to being a "host" gift as a sort of "Welcome to the Neighborhood" gesture, so I baked a double batch of my Weapons Grade Chocolate Brownies, and took them over at about 6 this evening.  Well, the health inspector hadn't made it by in time, so the party was postponed until tomorrow evening.  But, since I'd brought brownies, I was invited to have what turned out to be the first sandwich.  (On the house!)

It turned out to be a training night for the new kids, so I had the experience of having the preparation of my sandwich critiqued but the trainer.  There were a couple of small glitches, but in the end, my Roasted Tuscan Chicken sandwich, (although not actually roasted) was still tasty and satisfying.  So, before I head up to York for the debate party, I'm going to swing in and get my open house 6 inch meal.

I owe my daughter a debt of thanks for getting me back to Subway, when we took our last road trip together in '97.  Say what you will about fast food, Subway makes a damned good sandwich to order.  I've only found one that was a tad off, and that was only because the cookies were obviously from an inferior vendor.  The sandwich was OK.

So, James and crew, welcome to the neighborhood!!

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