"That last phone call you made one Friday evening damned near put a crashing halt to marriage #3. We both worked (in) Huntington Beach, me on Space Station, she on CAD Support & Training. After you and I had been chatting for a while, I realized that her usual pattern of going back to the bedroom to change, and then coming out to start dinner hadn't obtained. After we hung up. I went back to see what was what. The first words out of her mouth were something to the effect of "Is this how it;s going to be... you talking on the phone to your girlfriend while I (do whatever she said she was doing)?"We'd been married only a few months. I'd known her for about six or seven years. So I thought.
The phrase "I'm screwed!" came to mind, as I recall. That particular marriage lasted about five years. It probably would only have been three, but I was reprieved to Detroit for two of those five."
I rambled on for a bit longer. closing out the e-mail with a line about "...life here in a small town that has no Starbucks."
And thus, the new tag for this blog was born.