Re-booted other box, it saw the SD card just fine. (When in doubt, reboot, a.k.a. "Hit it upside the head with a 2 by 4!")
I found the little map I made of the sprouting trays. I had them outside to stay warm in the sun. Unfortunately for that plan, we had a couple of days of rain, and I neglected to move them to safety. I was afraid that the seeds might had drowned, but I planted them anyway. I did not have the foresight to map out what I planted where, so its going to be a bit of a surprise in some cases.
The list, from the 3x5 card is:
- Ghost Peppers
- Poblano Peppers
- Victorian Perfume Melons
- Tiger Melons (I wrote "Tigger")
- Red Corn
- Watermelon
- Honeydew
- Miniature Corn
I also planted a cantaloupe from a starter, and also from seed. Some garden predator dug up all of the miniature and red corn, so I re-planed the red, which is all the corn seed I had left.
Now for this weeks pictures:
The herb patch |
Baby Roma tomatoes! |
Baby Blackberries! |
The raised beds |
Melons, squash and corn. |
Melons and corn |
Garlic and Thai Basil |
The solitary Sun Flower |
No more Tiger Lillies |
Royal Candles are burning down. |
The Nectarine stick |